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Scotland and dragons and heroes who rescue,

Quick-witted heroines who sometimes save too,

Page-turning stories that make my heart sing,

How’s the song go? These are a few of my favorite things.

I love a good story. One that makes me sad when it’s over, but also makes me happy because the characters survived it all for their happily-ever-after.

That’s what I go for in the stories I write whether they’re my historical romances, fantasy/paranormal romances, or time travel romances.

I’m glad you found my website and hope you’ll enjoy a look around. See that little envelope in the sidebar below? Click there to subscribe to my newsletter and get exclusive peeks and previews of upcoming releases. Sometimes, there’s also contests and giveaways that are exclusive to my wonderful subscribers. I admit I send them a bit sporadically, but I do send them! You can find the link to my privacy statement below. I never share your email address nor any personal information with anyone.

Thank you for stopping by and never forget my mantra: No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless YOU give it to them.
